The Walking Dead aired its mid-season finale on Dec. 1, having its usual flair, blood and gore. The AMC hit is going to be back in Feb. 2014 with new episodes, more zombies and even more trouble for the survivors with this particular zombie apocalypse. Could zombies happens to real life? The answer could be "maybe".
The your body is known to exhibit some very strange conditions and behaviors ingesting drugs or illness. The zombie craze in modern entertainment, with World War Z and The Walking Dead as prime examples, demonstrates that an illness could cause an uncontrollable pandemic as well as the collapse of civilization. While we are conscious of no illness that fulfills the factors to create entertainment zombies, there are many very real illnesses which could substitute in some ways.
Kuru is really a rare illness brought on by prions, particles less space-consuming than a virus. It had been noticed in New Guinea among tribes that practiced ritual cannibalism. The illness has a decade or higher to show, the ones stricken from it exhibit the coordination problems and trouble walking, as well as tremors and muscle jerks, that are affecting entertainment zombies. The name means "laughing disease" inside the language on the Fore, the native tribe most afflicted, based on National Geographic. Kuru caused the sick to laugh uncontrollably. A patient with kuru has to be frightening sight.
Parkinson’s disease was reported so long ago as 5000 BC in Indian medical texts, in accordance with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The cause just isn't known but there are numerous studies suggesting genetics may play an aspect. About 50,000 cases on this condition are diagnosed annually from the U.S. The NINDS describes the leading symptoms of Parkison’s as:
tremor, or trembling in hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face; rigidity, or stiffness on the limbs and trunk; bradykinesia, or slowness of motion; and postural instability, or impaired balance and coordination. As these symptoms you have to be pronounced, patients could have difficulty walking, talking, or completing other simple tasks.
These are merely two of many illnesses and scenarios that can mimic the look presented by zombies on The Walking Dead. But zombies feel little pain, and then try to move despite serious wounds.
A neuroscience website for the University of Washington describes phencyclidine (PCP) as:
a dissociative anesthetic because users seem to be "disconnected" from other environment: they are fully aware where they may be, nonetheless they do not feel as if they may be part from it... People ingesting PCP may well not feel pain along with their perception of sensory stimuli could possibly be altered...
There are also drugs, including new, designer drugs that achieve the street practically every day, with mind-altering effects. Scientific American explored the extremes that the body of a human can reach beneath a surge of adrenaline in the story titled When Fear Makes Us Superhuman. The body system is capable of a great deal more than most ask of it and also the "superhuman" abilities of zombies are possible through drugs or some kind of metabolic disturbance.
The dead usually are not rising to enjoy our brains. The complexity of the body of a human and its processes provides examples of behavior and physical abilities that mimic the zombies we seen on tv and within the movies. Could zombies happen in real life? The answer is usually a firm "maybe".